Strategy at Every Corner!

Strategy at Every Corner!

Abonnementkosten: € 24.95
Beschrijving: 'Strategy at Every Corner' is a remarkable book. It encouragesreaders to view strategic challenges and organizational issues fromnovel perspectives, and aims to inspire them to āsee thingsdifferently, and see different things.āBuilding on video material, interviews, panel sessions,newspaper articles and anecdotal material, Paul Vlaar and hiscolleagues set out to explore how actors in a wide variety ofsettings attempt to survive and prosper. Their work clarifies,for example, how you may benefit from insights into:�� Organizing principles used by animals and participants inmilitary operations;�� Mechanisms through which leaders of creative and religiousorganizations attempt to cope with paradoxical tensions;�� Means by which members of sports clubs try to build,maintain and regain momentum;�� Acts of drama, game, and fight used by account managersto create and appropriate value in collaborative relations;�� Strategic conditions influencing the viability of strategiesand business models in base of the pyramid markets;�� The power of analogies and metaphors, narratives andstories, games, and other participative eventsNext to conducting sound and rigorous studies, the authorshave invested great efforts in presenting a unique piece ofwork that is relevant, fun to read, and inspiring, offering ahotbed for a new breed of strategists.

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