America in the course of human events

America in the course of human events

Abonnementkosten: € 39.50
Beschrijving: After the terrorist attacks on America of September 11th 2001, the image of America has radically changed. In the western world, one was at first shocked by the revolting attack on capitalism. But as America came more and more involved in the politics of the Middle East, the feelings of sympathy towards this large country changed into antipathy. Since the government-Bush declared war to Iraq, there is undisguised hate towards America, even in countries which are normally pro-American. In America in the Course of Human Events a group of scientists go deeply into the history of the United States. The main goal of this search is to discover the effect of certain historical events on the image Americans have of themselves, but particularly also on the image others have of them. The several scholars are very aware of the pitfall of all too easy anti-Americanism, and try by all means to stay critical and to keep a keen eye.

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