A Basic Guide to...
A Basic Guide to International Business Law
€ 38.50 Bekijk details
A Chance for European...
A Chance for European Universities
Steeds meer afgestudeerden in ontwikkelingslanden zorgt voor nieuwe kansen én...
€ 29.00 Bekijk details
A framework for...
A framework for evidence-based policy making using IT
Transparency and verifiability of public policy making are in the spotlight. In public...
€ 34.50 Bekijk details
A Guide through...
A Guide through International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) 2009
€ 117.50 Bekijk details
A Handbook for measuring...
A Handbook for measuring the costs and quality of access to justice
Over het boek:In this Handbook the reader finds practical information on the use of a...
€ 20.00 Bekijk details
A lean way to LEAN
A lean way to LEAN
A lean way to LEAN
€ 14.00 Bekijk details
A Model for Integrated...
A Model for Integrated Health, Child and Community Care in Rural South Africa
The Ndlovu Care Group (NCG), a South African NGO, provides health care and community care...
€ 35.00 Bekijk details
A practical guide to...
A practical guide to PubMed
The guide that helps you to search quickly and efficiently in PubMed! A Practical Guide...
€ 26.50 Bekijk details
A Structured Approach to...
A Structured Approach to IT Auditing
The basic instrument used in the audit process is an Audit Terms of Reference (AToR). In...
€ 64.95 Bekijk details
A world fit for children
A world fit for children
Het concept van het kind als subject van rechten is van even revolutionaire betekenis als...
€ 7.25 Bekijk details
A3 Methodiek
A3 Methodiek
€ 32.50 Bekijk details
Aan de ketting
Aan de ketting
€ 28.00 Bekijk details

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